Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Death. :(

Hello this is Gertrude Ross Till, George's wife, today is a sad day for us. My husband has passed today September 21,1798.  His death was unexpected and no one knew it was his time. The family is asking that you keep him in your prayers. May god bless George Read and let his soul go up to heaven. Rest In Peace forever. Good-bye for a while.

                                                                Yours truely,
                                                                 Gertrude Ross Till

My Family

Hi I haven't talked very much about my family yet have I? Oh well, I guess I could tell you now. I have already told you about my mother Mary and my father John. My wife Gertrude the most wonderful woman  on the planet. My five brothers, our four sons, a daughter and....... oh my brother-in-law George Ross. Well there isn't really much to say except that they are the most amazing family anyone could ask for. I thank God for them everyday and love them very much, with all my heart.

I am also very religious and try to live by God everyday of my life. I respect him with all my soul and hope that I be standing up there right next to him when it is my time.
                                                                          God Bless,
                                                                          George Read

Life Line

Hi, did i ever tell you about my life? Well, maybe i did but left out a few important things that I think is very special in my life. I will be keep this short since it is getting very late, so here I go. I was one of six sons of my Dublin-born father John and my mother who was daughter of a Welsh planter Mary Howell Read. In 1763 I wed the most beautiful women on the planet, Gertrude Ross Till, who is the widowed sister of my brother-in-law George Ross who also sighned the Declaration of Independence. We had 5 most wonderful children, 4 sons and a daughter. I was a very talented lawyer and worked hard as a delegate. I was the only signer to vote against independence, but a month later I did sign the document. The same year I begn a term as speaker of the legislative council, which made me Vice President of the state Deleware. In 1793 I resigned to become Cheif of Justice of Deleware. Well, thats it for today see you guys tomorrow to talk more about me.
                                                                                                    Best Blessings,
                                                                                                      George Read

Monday, November 1, 2010

Documents and more documents- When will it end?

Greatings fellow bloggers, I have noticed that there are many documents that I have signed that most of you might not even understand. So in this blog I will explain some of the many documents I have signed in the U.S. history. First the Declaration of Independence probably one of the most important documents you will ever read, here, and learn about in American history. It states that every single person deserves the right to have freedom of speech, liberty, and life. I was one of the many other fifty-six signers of the declaration. The other document is the U.S. Consitution. The document is split into two sections one being the Bill of Rights and the other is changes and additions that can be changed over the years due to the future contry. The bill of rights spells out the immunities of individual citizens. On the other hand the changes and additions have to do with making any changes in the government through the courses of time.Hope that helps you understand them.
                                                          George Read

Friday, October 29, 2010


Hello there, today i'm not in a good mood. I am suffering of poor health and have had to retire from offical duties. I am doing better than berfore and hope i recover. Bye for now.

A few weeks later.
Hey, I've been cured and have been appointed Judge in Court of Appeals and hope to be for at least 3 years. Hope I like it haven't been here that long. Well I'm really glad that the declaration passed. We worked really hard and have fought a lot of battles to get to where we are. I really hope it comes in handy in the future. Well got to go bye.
                                                                                                  George Read

July 9

July 9
 A couple days have passed since the passing. On the 5th my dear friend John Handcock, president of the Congress, dispatched the first copy of the declaration to the legislatures of New Jersey and my homestate Delaware. Yesterday, the 8th, was the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence is in Philadelphia. Right now I've just got a message saying that Washington orders that the Declaration of Independence be read before the American Army in New York. Well I guess i'm going on a field trip now blog you later. Bye.

                                                                                                     Great Regards,
                                                                                                        George Read

It passed!!

July 4
It passd! It passed! It finally passed! Today, July 4, 1776, congress passed the Declaration of Independence early this bright and sunny morning in Philadelphia. A boy named John Dunlap prints the Declaration. We have worked very hard on this document and hopes to be very successful in the future. We have lost many lives to get to where we are right now so please use your freedom to the fullest. Thank you.
                                          Best Blessings,
                                             George Read