Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Life Line

Hi, did i ever tell you about my life? Well, maybe i did but left out a few important things that I think is very special in my life. I will be keep this short since it is getting very late, so here I go. I was one of six sons of my Dublin-born father John and my mother who was daughter of a Welsh planter Mary Howell Read. In 1763 I wed the most beautiful women on the planet, Gertrude Ross Till, who is the widowed sister of my brother-in-law George Ross who also sighned the Declaration of Independence. We had 5 most wonderful children, 4 sons and a daughter. I was a very talented lawyer and worked hard as a delegate. I was the only signer to vote against independence, but a month later I did sign the document. The same year I begn a term as speaker of the legislative council, which made me Vice President of the state Deleware. In 1793 I resigned to become Cheif of Justice of Deleware. Well, thats it for today see you guys tomorrow to talk more about me.
                                                                                                    Best Blessings,
                                                                                                      George Read

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